Product Center
offers a wide range of LED display products that provide exceptional image with robust product quality to empower businesses to reach a new level
Media façade
AHL LED signage delivers amazing visual experience in a variety outdoor applications, ranging from traditional cabinet style mediafacades and architectural lighting solutions to wire strip mediafacade constantly changing outdoor environment.
Pixel Dot
AHL Media Pixel full color LED lighting fixtures for video screens, architectural decorations and stage events, not suitable for illuminating large spaces. The product displays dynamic and colorful images and videos on the building surface.
Outdoor Fixed Display
Indoor Fixed Display
Special Media Panel
Rental Application
For Creation
TV station/high-end conference system
Glass Media façade
Glass Media façade

IP65 Media façade
IP65 Media façade

Customized Media facade

Address: 4th floor, Building № 2, Xufa Science Park, Gongming street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, China.
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